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Adult Ministries
Adult Ministries
Find a place to belong
Bible Study
St. Thomas offers fellowship, friendship, spiritual growth and an opportunity to serve. The Breakfast & Bible Study is the first Saturday of every month at 8:00 AM in Beatrice Hall.
Women's Ministry
St. Thomas offers a variety of opportunities for women to grow spiritually through Bible studies, prayer, and events.
The Ministry of God's People
The Ministry of God's People meets the last Saturday of each month and has various social activities and projects such as apple dumpling baking, craft making and the Christmas bazaar, offering opportunities for fun and friendship.
Worship Choir and Jubilation Ringers
The Worship Choir participates in our worship service from Labor Day to the first week of June. The choir practices on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm.
The handbell choir, Jubilation Ringers, also participates in the worship service from Labor Day to the first week of June. They practice on Thursday evenings from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.